Technical writer/author:

You can write quite naturally and fluently and recognize good writing and correct it. Your skills could be applied to project documentation, guides, tutorials, protocols or legal areas like terms and conditions. You may be available at certain or varied times upon request or be more accessible.

Writer (script writer/reader or good skills):

You can write quite naturally and fluently and recognize good writing and correct it. Your skills could be applied to project documentation, guides, tutorials, protocols or legal areas like terms and conditions. You may be available at certain or varied times upon request or be more accessible.

Team leader:

You will be familiar with other aspects or roles within the group or team and be able to lead a team, which may involve preparing or producing and updating documentation. You will be responsible to a group leader.

Group leader:

You will be familiar with other aspects or roles within the group or team and be able to lead a team or group, which may involve preparing or producing and updating documentation. You will be responsible to a domain leader.


You are preferably native or fluent in English and/or another language and know another language or English very well. You may know multiple languages. You will most likely not be the only person translating the language(s) you are focusing on, so there is support and a second checker. You may be regular or available as and when or from time to time to translate various things from English to another language, be it guides, protocols, tutorials, help, other documentation, the Website or database fields.

Inclusivity representative:

We aim to be as inclusive as possible, e.g. so that we can be accessible to as many people as possible in terms of geography, language, disability, sight, hearing, mobility, dexterity, dyslexia, autism, sensory or cerebral differences, difficulties or deficiencies. Particular preference will be given to people who come within this remit and your role can be discussed more with Steve Owen.

Inclusivity outreach:

We aim to be as inclusive as possible, e.g. so that we can be accessible to as many people as possible in terms of geography, language, disability, sight, hearing, mobility, dexterity, dyslexia, autism, sensory or cerebral differences, difficulties or deficiencies. Particular preference will be given to people who come within this remit and your role can be discussed more with Steve Owen.