Data Entry novice, no skills or experience:
Description: The Data Entry Novice is a role destined for newcomers to the Data Entry field. Its aim will focus on presenting the newcomer to the Data Entry teams and structure, introduce him to the dendogram where he\she will work at. It will also be presented to them several tutorials regarding the proper management of scientific information and how to structure it in a proper way through the the guidance of their respective team leaders. It is a role where the novice will learn how to use the dendogram on his own in order to achieve greater independence in its usage. Responsibilities: The Data Entry Novice will be responsible for a specific species\group of species of his\her own choosing as long as the clade of the chosen species\group has a Team Leader assigned to it to oversee the work. There is also the exceptional choice to choose to work independently when the novice has already acquired sufficient experience to work on his\her own on a specific species\group of species. He\she may also work in pairs or groups. The main task will be learning how to use the dendogram; Getting acquainted with the phylogenetic guide to manage information and classification; work on a specific species\group of species of his\her own choosing or chosen by another if necessary.
Data Entry clerk:
Description: The Data Entry Clerk is a role destined for the novices who have acquired a considerable amount of experience working with the dendogram, and have decent and verified understanding on how to work with phylogenetic data. Certificates will serve as evidence regarding the amount of experience the Data Entry Clerk has. In this role, the Clerk has several options regarding how he\she wants to work in the dendogram. He\She can choose to work alone, in pairs or in groups, can choose a species\group of species to work with. If the Clerk chooses to work alone, he\she will still have to report to the respective supervisor. Data Entry Clerks must necessarily be Level 1 or\and 2. Responsibilities: The Data Entry Clerk’s main task will be the classification of species\groups of species; Aid the novices, if possible and necessary, when working in pairs\groups or alone; accountable to the Team Leaders, and those who work alone are also accountable to Team Leaders; The most experienced Clerk will replace the Team Leader of his\her respective group when\if necessary.
Data Entry Consultant\specialist:
Description: The Data Entry Consultant is a role specifically for scientists, preferably biologists. Consultants main responsibility is to be available for guidance, meaning, they will guide those who work with phylogenetic information and are responsible for managing species\groups of species\branches\orders and will help in any way they can. For this role, the Group Leaders will choose scientists who have a solid background and knowledge regarding the usage and management of phylogenetic information and also scientists who might have a good understanding of how to solve complex issues. Responsibilities: Provide advice and recommendations to solve complex issues; strategize solutions regarding the management of scientific\phylogenetic information; Oversee, if required or necessary, any kind of changes that are a direct result of recommendations; Accompany the solving of complex issues; Capable of critical and logical thinking.
Data Entry Researcher:
Description: The Data Entry Researcher is role destined for those who like to research, collect and analyze information. If you enjoy knowing a lot about a specific matter that keens your interest, then this role is for you. No experience is required to fill this role, since tutorials and team leaders, or people with experience, will be available to teach newcomers. The researcher can choose which kind of information, within the spectrum of what is required, he\she wants to research. Responsibilities: The main responsibilities will be the collection and analysis of information; use internet, surveys, legal documents and other published research to aid the person they are assisting collecting information.
Junior Team leader:
Description: The Team Leader is a role destined for those who want to take up the responsibility of leading a small\big team of Data Entry novices\clerks on the PEP. The Team Leader must have a considerable amount of experience regarding the functioning of the phylogeny tree, and must have a clear understanding of the phylogenetic information structure. The Team Leader must ensure that there is someone on the team capable enough to replace him\her in case of absence. The person appointed must be approved by the Group Leaders. In case of shortage of members on the team, the team leader will also commit himself\herself to add information on the branch that he\she is responsible for. However, the team leader may also choose, voluntarily, to do this. Responsibilities: The Team leader will be responsible for managing a small\big team of data entry novices\clerks; teach and train novices through tutorials and guides; ensure that every bit of information added to a specific branch in his\her care, in the dendogram, is correct, properly structured and it’s not “copy paste”; Collaborate with the data entry novices\clerks regarding the addition of information, if necessary\possible.
Senior Team Leader:
Description: The group leader is a role destined for people who want to assume a bigger responsibility on the PEP. The data entry group leader’s main focus will be the proper management of the Data Entry & Research group, and is directly accountable to the Director of Operations. For this task it is required a considerable amount of experience in planning, capable of logical thinking, introduce\debate ideas, formulate new strategies and implement the vision of the PEP overall. It is also required an excellent understanding of the phylogenetic information structure and its application on the dendogram. There are always two group leaders in case one of them is absent. Both group leaders can choose to have someone appointed to replace them if necessary, and these must be approved by the Director of Operations. Responsibilities: Manage the Data Entry & Research Group; Ensure that there is coherence between the hierarchical structure and the strategic vision for the PEP; Develop, if necessary, new strategies to fulfill future objectives in order to fulfill the level of ambition of the PEP; Ensure that there is a constant and healthy communication with other departments; Responsible for the strategic planning of the Data Entry & Research Group, its management and its coherence with the overall strategic vision for the PEP; Nominate team leaders.
Assistant Team Leader:
Description: The Assistant Team Leader role is destined for those who prefer to work as supervisors, thus, assisting team leaders. People on this role are directly accountable to the respective team leader, and will work as support and supervise the work being done by researchers and data entry volunteers on the phylogeny tree in order to ensure quality work. Assistant Team Leaders will also, if required and necessary, assist in training new members. Responsibilities: Supervise the work of data entry & research volunteers; Provide assistance to team leaders; Train new volunteers.
Development Team Architect:
Description: The development team’s architect will be the primary point of contact with the Development team. This role will work closely with the Data Entry team Managers and whatever other members they designate. Responsibilities: defining requirements for the application, answering questions pertaining to the technology and what is possible, reporting issues with the explorer (until such time as we have an issue tracking system in place)
Senior Quality Assurance Team Leader:
Description: This role is destined for those who have a vast experience dealing with the management of quality information quality. To fill this position, you must have a background in quality assurance to show that you understand processes in order to develop improved and effective procedures. Responsibilities: Manage the day-to-day activities, including scheduling and managing ongoing projects; Responsible for establishing connections between the Quality Assurance Teams and Data Entry Team Leaders; Assess and determine staffing needs to conduct testings; Oversee QA Team Leader’s work to ensure they adhere to specifications; Organize monthly reports to the Data Entry Managers.
Quality Assurance Team Leader:
Description: This role is destined for those who have a significant amount of experience in Quality Assurance, experienced in managing QA teams and also have a good knowledge of QA processes. Responsibilities: Conduct quality assurance testing and keep constant contact with other Data Entry Departments; Develop effective and efficient methods to train QA volunteers; Maintain documentation throughout the QA process, and communicate with the development teams to provide a reliable, consistent and positive experience; Identify potential issues and reporting them back to the Senior QA TL; Manage day-to-day activities of QA volunteers and volunteer training and evaluation.
Quality Assurance Clerk:
Description: The QA Clerk is a role for all those interested in gathering experience and working in QA, and learn its processes and methods. Responsibilities: Learn the QA processes and methods; Identify and report potential issues to the QA Team Leader; Work side by side with the Data Entry Team Leaders\Clerks in order to keep check of their process.
Documentation Officer:
Description: The documentation officer is primarily responsible for the documentation aspects of acquiring, caring for, managing and providingaccess to the Data Entry Information Collection. Responsibilities: Undertake Data Entry data base administrator tasks and excel in its use within the PEP including the production of written guidelines, provision of help and advice to colleagues and users; Contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of collections data standards; Maintain formal documentation and database records object moves according to agreed standards; Implement management policy and procedures, ensuring that best practice is maintained; Respond to collection inquiries, internal and external, makers and objects; Supply information and contribute to the ongoing maintenance and future strategic development of the PEP; Work collaboratively with the Data Entry Consultants\Specialists in order to ensure that the stored information being used on the PEP data base is scientifically accurate and proper to use; Plan and monitor workflow, regularly reporting on progress and flagging issues as they arise; Handle all data to a safe and professional standard
Documentation Clerk:
Description: Documentation Clerks are responsible for maintenance of the Data Entry documents. They are responsible for cataloging and retrieval of documentation. Documentation Clerks must be detail-oriented and able to work with a high volume of documents in a fast-paced environment. They also must be highly organized and process-oriented, have excellent oral and written communications skills to interact with all levels of an organization. Responsibilities: Maintain the integrity of working documents and update documentation when revised; Maintain systems for document storage and retrieval; Responsible for document security, assigning access, and removing or destroying obsolete documents; Responsible for strage, cataloging and retrieval of documentation
Phylogenetic software analyst:
In addition to being familiar with the Data Entry side of they project, you will be experienced and knowledgeable in the area of phylogenetic software analysis and able to use it and train others. You will work with and be responsible to the group leader and work alongside a consultant and developers. The process will need discussing, explaining, evaluating, products and types compared and testing done.
Made by João Ferreira,
Data Entry, Research & Science Group Manager