
Fundraiser: This is a role that would generally require some expertise and experience, particularly in presentation and accuracy skills. The role requires the ingenuity and research to seek the more likely sources of income and selecting the right ones. The world is...

Art, Graphics & Design

Traditional artist: We need artists in various roles within the project. Whilst extant organisms will usually be represented by photos or video, extinct ones will be by artwork, be it traditional, digital, animated or some other form. Work is also required for the...

Media, Promo, Marketing

Media liaison: This role requires communicating with people, companies, universities and others with regard to the project. This is likely a team effort with different roles with regard to who is contacted, but it can be shared or done alone, if short on staff or with...

Social Media

Administrator: As an administrator on social media, you will be a responsible authority on the site, forum, group, page or similar. You will be familiar with the rules and past history and be increasingly familiar with members. You will interact, befriend, respond to...

Developers needed

You would probably be surprised at how few people actually manage to sustain this project. We have an extremely small and understaffed, but committed and wonderful development team who maintain the Explorer, and they are desperately in need of additional support. If...